What are our Physio’s up to lately? Part 1

by | Jul 8, 2019


I’m currently training and getting organised for a paragliding trip to Tajikistan in July.  I’ll be spending three weeks hiking and flying over some big mountains so I need to get used to long days with a heavy pack!  Lots of walking up hills and cross-country skiing is helping to keep the fitness up.

In the clinic recently I’ve been seeing quite a few young athletes with shoulder dislocations so I am focusing on developing clear plans to get people back to sport safely.


I’m feeling quite proud of myself for recently completing my first overnight hike since having children (10 years ago).  I had to work very hard to overcome a neck injury, which involved a lot of strengthening exercises – but I got there!  Of course, the date I chose turned out to be the first snowy weekend of the season at Fall’s Creek, but you can go anywhere with snowshoes and ski poles.  Now to plan for the next trip . . .

Professionally, I am undertaking a lot of study to update my knowledge regarding running related injuries.  It’s great to have more skills and tools to effectively help patients keep being active!


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